One Minute Melee Fanon Wiki

So, since my Grand Multiversal Tournament is aproaching the semifinals, I figured that I might as well tell you all what's on my mind in terms of the wiki. Basically, I have learned my lesson. My next tournament will not be a season, and will run along side a normal season. I had originally planned on alternating between a normal season then a tournament season and rinse and repeat, but I realized something: droughts. Specifically, droughts of content. I have not been able to regularly have fights during a tournament season, leading to long droughts during voting and writing. That being said, The Grand Multiversal Tournament is still going to remain as season 2, while season 3 will debut after it. UPDATE: I changed my mind. The GMT will not be considered a season. The next season, season 2, will still come after it is finished, though. I already have a full lineup for that season, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, though, I will give you all a (fairly obvious) hint as to one of the fighters in my second season:

Insert shovel puns here.
