One Minute Melee Fanon Wiki

Ezio Auditore vs Solid Snake One Minute Melee

Ezio Auditore vs Solid Snake

Season 2 Episode 11

(Assassin's Creed vs Metal Gear)

Ezio ran and ran on the rooftops.

The cops were after him.

Ezio then jumped off the rooftop and landed next to Solid Snake.

Snake just stared at Ezio.

“You are wanted.” said Snake.

“So?” said Ezio.

“So, I am going to turn you in.” said Snake.

“Get out of my way or die.” said Ezio.

“I don’t think so pal.” said Snake.

“Ugh, another waste of my time. I will end you.” said Ezio.

“Don’t get your hopes up cupcake.” said Snake.




Ezio punched Snake in the face, and then kicked him into a house.

Snake quickly shot all the lights out, and then hid behind the fridge.

Ezio entered the house and looked around.

“This is not a game of Hide N Seek.” said Ezio.

Ezio then grabbed his knife and looked behind the fridge.


Snake shot Ezio in the arm.

“CRUD!” yelled Ezio.

Snake punched Ezio in the face, and then grabbed him by the head and kicked him into a table.

Snake then grabbed Ezio and chucked him to the cops.

“There’s your capture. Where’s my money?” said Snake.


Ezio stabbed all the guards with his knife.

Ezio then ran at Snake.

Ezio swung the knife at Snake, but Snake kicked Ezio in the face.

Snake then grabbed Ezio’s knife and kicked Ezio into a pile of hay.


Snake then ran at Ezio with the knife.

Ezio kicked Snake in the stomach, and then grabbed the knife back.

Ezio then slashed the knife at Snake.

It hit Snake, and there was a huge cut on Snake’s stomach.


Snake punched Ezio in the face, and then grabbed his gun and started shooting Ezio.

Ezio grabbed a trash can lid as a shield.

Ezio dodged all the bullets and chucked the trash can lid at Snake.

Snake dodged the lid and ran at Ezio.


Snake punched Ezio in the face, and then kicked Ezio into the ground.

Ezio tripped Snake to the ground, and then took Snake’s gun away from him.

Ezio pulled the trigger.

Snake was shot…

In the arm.

Snake kicked Ezio in the face, and then kicked him in the stomach.

Snake then grabbed his knife and stabbed Ezio in the stomach.

“My money?” said Snake.



SOLID SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
